Before you buy a domain, make sure it is not taken. Check Is the address/name already booked? Ytj Association register ® | © | ™ / name bring to your readers? Is the domain / name close to another blog or brand? Google the domain / blog name. Do the search results have a positive […]
I can’t advise on how the service in question checks the blogs or whether it checks in any way. Search engine optimization And of course, search engine optimization should not be forgotten. This is an effective, but lengthy way to get readers to your blog. wait 3 to 6 months before Search Engine Optimization starts […]
Creating a list for the internet user means having a precise reminder of what they want or what they ne to buy. A very useful function in cases such as important events (wdings. Birthdays. Births. Etc.) allowing them to save time in browsing and . Why not. Even in the organization of the event itself. For […]
Something of as great or greater value as the permission they give you to communicate directly with them! In Digital Marketing , the most efficient way to bring value to a person is through Content Marketing : the creation of materials in text, graphics, audio or video, capable of changing the lives of your ideal […]
Facebook and 5 good intentions for 2018. If you want to beat the competition on mark zuckerberg’s platform, the new year begins with the right thumb. And you treasure the main lessons of 2017. The christmas holidays always bring with . Them a wind of positivity and a great desire for novelty. With your foot […]
You can One whole week I write only find more tutorial videos on my Youtube channel . Favicon Adding a favicon to WordPress This is how to add a favicon to WordPress. In the control panel, select Appearance and then Customize. Favicon After that, click on “Site identity”… Favicon And add the image normally to […]
Pay-per-click activities can help boost brand awareness. generate leads. and drive traffic. But PPC marketing can be tough to get right. especially with so many competitors vying for the same audience. That’s why competitive analysis is so important. It will help you to understand the tactics your competitors are using and learn more about their […]
Do you have a large catalog of eCommerce products and are having difficulty managing prices for individual products Try . as this is the price management and optimization solution. especially for eCommerce businesses. In the eCommerce ecosytem. the price of products changes every second. You can sell a smart baby health monitor with socks for $50 on eBay. But […]
Disable Default Colors: If this option is selected, Telementor will use the default color of the theme. Disable the default font: same color as the font. Shared usage data: If you want to work with Telementor developers to improve the plugin, select this option and data about its performance on your website will be sent […]