In the first case. For internal use. There is in fact a reserv area. An after-sales assistance system and the possibility of creating estimates. The portal allows zangrillo customers to easily consult the product catalog and immiately view new items. Allowing them to offer their customers products that are not available on site and thus expand […]
The intempra team first carri out an analysis of the competitors’ solutions. And then interact with zangrillo customers’ sales points in order to understand their expectations and nes. Not only that: he also interfac with sales agents. To understand their nes and their important findings on the market and make the portal as efficient as […]
Creating a list for the internet user means having a precise reminder of what they want or what they ne to buy. A very useful function in cases such as important events (wdings. Birthdays. Births. Etc.) allowing them to save time in browsing and . Why not. Even in the organization of the event itself. For […]
The function of this tool is to “Store”. Create a kind of reminder about an interesting product. But which the user does not want to buy immiately. Inserting it into the wishlist means looking at it again. “Monitoring” it and. Obviously. Returning to the same e-commerce site. The wish list is a function reserv only for […]