Even on the Instagram blog. Tula Analytics We count community subscribers and activity in communities. A total of indicators , for each of which a mini rating was prepare.  Subscribers These are accounts of people who are members of football club communities at on August , . We reflect them on the graphics of the […]
This means that new pages may be subject to a trial period during which their ranking may be lowere or blocke altogether. However. After this period. The site should be accepte and its ranking should return to normal. Therefore. It can be conclude that new pages are accepte after passing through the Google Sandbox. We […]
Life is better use images and videos to lighten your offer. These are always highly appreciatd materials, because they give the user the perception of scrolling through arguments without too much effort. In particular, videos contribute to improving the average stay of a user on the site and rducing the bounce rate: both of these […]
There is more This type of content includes practical guides and video tutorials. Stories We share the stories we are passionate about. People are intrinsic storytellers and take pleasure in the mere act of telling or sharing a story. Use a story or metaphor to engage your readers from the beginning. Emotional intelligence social mia […]
The question every All marketers must tap into their emotional side if how the digital age works. Why is emotional intelligence in social mia so important? Emotionally intelligent brands manage to entertain and inform their audience in a proactive and effective way they don’t jump to hasty solutions but offer content capable of investigating and […]
Are you late with your tax payment? In this article you will find out how and when to charge interest on tax arrears, as well as such interest charg unjustly by the tax office. The tax authority competent for procural disciplinary penalties The provision of Art. of the Tax Ordinance states that: The tax authority […]