Segment from reports with th alternative you can segment the users who perform an action for example those who open the email or those who click. Segment from link tags here you segment with criteria such as “those who have click on any link” and the link copi showing how many people perform that action without having to count it. To carry out customer segmentation rfm (recency frequency monetary) analys can also be us which a marketing technique that determines which are the best customers bas on the factors of when they made their last recency purchase how many times or how often they buy frequency and how much they spend on their purchases monetary.

Which moments are important 

Tip rate your subscribers depending on how many emails they open and how many clicks they make and with th rating establh a marketing strategy to motivate your users with dcounts or benefits for being so active and receptive to your brand. Tip to the mobile app designs service extent that you know your buyers or prospects better what they like where they live what they do what they eat where if they have children or not if they are of legal age if they have dogs or birds you will be able to carry out personaliz email campaigns with eye-catching subjects.

Understand them

Which will undoubtly mean an increase in open rate and ctr and of course better clients and more sales. Three steps to segment and optimize your sales the first step to be successful in digital and sales strategies to have a very good database which BZ Lists allows – through segmentation – to know the tastes and interests of customers and users and make permanent communication easier. And effective with them. Three steps to optimize your sales . Build the database obtaining leads whether it a startup

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