The ingredients that guarantee business growth

Increased profitability and profits are achievable targets if the company is prepared for the challenges of the future. In the era of digital transformation, it is particularly complex to remain strong and competitive in the reference sectors. For this reason, it is necessary not to lose any best practices useful for business growth. Keeping up to date, using innovative technologies, integrating new strategies: everything can lead to generating revenue for the business.

Let’s delve into the advice for b2b companies that want to achieve and maintain the goal of business growth.

Implement a Revenue Generation System

Revenue control and management are fundamental for a company and should therefore require a dedicated strategy.

Revenue Generation System refers to a process aimed at generating an increase in revenue in a repeatable. Predictable and scalable way. Generally speaking, marketing, sales and customer service should align on these objectives. The goal of a revenue generation strategy is to harmonize activities and find a common modus operandi that allows the clean. Immediate and agile transmission of key information.

This aspect highlights the difficulty of many companies in strengthening the link between different departments. It is very common, in fact, to think in watertight compartments and focus on one’s own activities. Which are sometimes many and demanding. Changing approach is part of an innovative and forward-looking corporate culture. It is necessary to know how to create a common thread between the company’s pillars, so as not to miss important business opportunities.

In addition to adopting a revenue generation system. It is very important to rely on the right technologies. We will talk about this in the next paragraph.

Choosing the best automation platform

Business growth undoubtedly depends on the contribution of employees who, with ideas, intuitions and creativity. Improve the company’s performance, allowing it to achieve important goals.

However, technology plays a key role: in the era of digitalization. The automation of some activities improves the management of activities by resources, thus increasing their quality and efficiency.

Choosing to rely on an automation tool allows you to have useful features to analyze and understand the performance of processes: everyone can benefit from it – marketing, sales and customer service.

Through a complete system

It is possible to maximize the performance of teams. By automating certain operations, it is also possible to make them repeatable, without having to wait for human intervention. For example, a CRM like HubSpot facilitates the sharing of blog articles and the scheduling of social posts, as well as the sending of DEMs and the creation of workflows: all this, always guaranteeing performance tracking and a timely analysis of all activities. The control over data offered by updated and complete systems like HubSpot is the basis of any concrete optimization – based on real information and not sensations – and the key to generating revenue.

The opportunity of CRM is also given by the possibility of improving lead management, without the need to rely on new sales resources: in fact, by inserting the sales process into the CRM and automating the follow up, it is possible to assign a score to the leads and thus lighten the task of the sales department which with this mechanism has visibility on the priorities. The buyer’s journey is thus shortened, the processes are lightened, the management of the sales cycle improves: all this has positive effects on profitability and the rate of closing opportunities.

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The importance of differentiating yourself from competitors

The uniqueness of the brand is a key linkedIn data collection ingredient of business growth: without this element, in highly competitive markets, you are destined not to emerge and to lose position.

It is therefore essential to strengthen the elements that distinguish the company; a good starting point is to brainstorm on the characteristics of the brand, on the values ​​that distinguish the brand and on how the communication strategy highlights these aspects. It is equally bzb directory essential to ensure that all channels are consistent and aligned on:

communication style
image conveyed
business growth

The goal of these elements is to highlight the uniqueness of the brand and the value it can generate for those who choose its products and services. This aspect must be kept in mind in all business activities: from marketing to sales, through customer service, it is necessary to strongly emphasize the potential of the brand and the opportunities it can offer compared to competitors.

Storytelling is no longer a choice

Storytelling is much more than an optional action: it is a strategic activity to attract target audiences, empathize with users and show closeness to potential buyers.

While also offering strategic and significant information. On the one hand, therefore, communication is enriched with a narrative that makes the brand feel close to prospects; on the other hand, useful and decisive information is provided to respond to a business challenge.

This initiative represents

One of the fundamental ingredients of corporate growth: in markets that are always full of emerging players, many companies offer the same services or products. For this reason, it is necessary to find original expedients to capture the attention of users: a story in which prospects are the protagonists can represent the beginning of a profitable collaboration.

A very important thing to underline is that storytelling can be declined in different forms and contents to reach a wide audience of people: blogs, free guides, emails, case histories, videos and infographics, for example.

Giving weight to KPIs

Defining measurable KPIs is essential, especially to determine the performance of some activities that are more complex to monitor. Sales results, for example, are easily measurable because they are based on concrete data:

turnover generated
number of new customers
closure rate
percentage of turnover compared to the objective
To these, you can also add performance metrics that provide insights into sales performance, the speed and value of the pipeline or the average length of the sales cycle.

With regard to marketing and customer service

analyzing activities is more challenging, since there are no objective metrics to measure effectiveness. For this reason – especially in these areas – using reliable KPIs is the key to recognizing the effectiveness of the initiatives undertaken and, in particular, the contribution of these departments to the growth of the company.

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