There are several phases in data mining . Here are some of them:
Data collection. This is consider the first phase and consists of collecting the data to be analyz. These can come from different sources such as databases, records, files, articles, web pages, social networks, among others.
Processing. In this second stage, the collect data is process and clean for later analysis. Repetitive
And irrelevant data are eliminat to ensure higher
Data exploration. For this phase, different techniques such as visualization and analysis are us to understand the structure of the data, and main characteristics and trends are sought for later analysis.
Data modeling. In modeling, different techniques are appli to build descriptive models, which are adjust to the buy telemarketing lead data and then evaluat.
Evaluation: As its name indicates, an evaluation of the creat models is carri out here, verifying the results and comparing them with the objectives or initial expectations.
Implementation. This stage monitors the data in the real-world context and evaluates its performance.
Data Mining Algorithms
There are different data mining નહિંતર? તમે કરી શકો છો algorithms that are frequently us, these are some of them:
Decision trees. Which is a very visual way to make decisions bas on logical sequences.
Association rules. These are us to find relationships between data sets or variables.
Clustering. This involves grouping data into several categories bas on similar characteristics.
Neural networks. Very fashionable at the moment,
they model the functioning of the human brain to relate information
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