Restorative Justice Model: Principles, Processes and Benefits


The first principle of the Restorative Justice model is based on the idea of ​​inclusion and active participation of all parties involved in the conflict. This involves giving a voice to victims, perpetrators and the affected community.

The idea is that all stakeholders have the opportunity to express their concerns, needs and perspectives , which in turn facilitates a

more complete and equitable conflict resolution process

Focus on needs and obligations
Rather than focusing solely on punishment or retribution, the goal is to identify and address the needs of both victims and perpetrators .

This involves recognizing the impact of the crime on the victim’s life and working towards repairing the harm caused. At the same time, it seeks to  recent mobile phone number lead hold perpetrators accountable for their actions and meet their obligations to repair the damage caused.

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This principle recognises that crime causes harm not only to the victim , but also to the community as a whole. Therefore, the aim is to restore balance and repair the damage caused as far as possible.

This includes financial નહિંતર? તમે કરી શકો છો compensation, but may also involve symbolic actions , such as sincere apologies, community service , or rehabilitation programs for the perpetrators. The goal is to restore dignity and well-being to both the person and the affected community.

Rather than simply seeing them as isolated criminals

the Restorative Justice model seeks to have them recognise the impact of their actions and take responsibility for them.

In this area, participation in rehabilitation programs , the performance of acts that repair the damage caused and commitment to a  aleart news positive change in behavior are promoted . In doing so , the goal is to promote personal responsibility and reduce the possibility of reoffending .

It is essential to constantly evaluate and review restorative justice programs and practices to ensure their effectiveness and appropriateness. The aim is to collect data, evaluate results and receive feedback from stakeholders and professionals working in the justice field.

Ongoing evaluation and improvement strengthen and optimize restorative justice approaches , ensuring that core principles are met and improved outcomes are achieved.




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