How the new Entrepreneurs Law could affect Startups and Entrepreneurs
This new law is one of the great promises for all those businesses. And entrepreneurs who are looking for a little push. From the administration to get out of the economic crisis. In response to this, the government has establish a draft law that could be a solution for SMEs and. Especially, for those startups that are looking for greater financing facilities.
In any case, entrepreneurs seem to be happy with this initiative, but how will the new entrepreneurs law affect startups and new entrepreneurs? Initially, this law has generat certain controversies because there are certain points, such as the one that says “the more contributions, the more rights” with which social and health rights agents do not fully agree. However, it has a series of significant advantages for both new entrepreneurs and startups .
Could this be the push that thousands of citizens ne to move from the shadow economy to regulat activity?
Less prohibitive microcrits
Mainly aim at companies less than three list of italy consumer email years old and never for refinancing but for the undertaking of new business options. In the case of young people, women and people with disabilities, the possibilities will be very diverse due to the various bonuses available in this regard.
Largest se capital fund
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Particularly useful for startups, this co-payment ao lists option between public or private institutions is aim at launching innovative companies. The se capital initiative proposes that innovative startups receive double support to avoid the exodus of talent that has been leaving the peninsula since 2008.
Twitter and Apple are even more closely linked: Apple’s relationship with Twitter is well known, as these latest generation devices are also a perfect tool for the social network. In light of this, the creation of microvideos for editing via iPhones that are directly on Twitter is being planned. The impact this can have on news and much more can be very importan.