It’s never too late to make friends with new technologies. As part of the social campaign “Network of Generations – Safe Senior Online”, T-Mobile prepared a 10-episode video course “Digital World for Everyone”. Konrad Koterba explains in a simple way how to use a computer, how to set up an e-mail, how to use search engines, as well as how to broaden your interests or simply stay in touch with your family.

The students of the “Pod Dębem” Foundation

Who also received laptops for learning from T-Mobile, had the first access to this course. At T-Mobile, we believe that connectivity is a human right and everyone UK Business Fax List should have access to the digital world, regardless of age. New technologies can make everyday life easier, but in order to see their advantages, you often have to overcome the fear of using them first. That is why we continue the Network of Generations initiative and help seniors participate in the digital world. The only thing that never gets old is connecting people – said Andreas Maierhofer, CEO of T-Mobile .

How to choose a computer and internet for a senior

Fax Lists

A network of generations, i.e. a laptop learning program T-Mobile launched the next stage of the “Network of Generations” campaign and donated laptops and access to the video course to another twenty Nursing Homes. The project also includes training seniors in the use of laptops and moving around in the world of modern technologies, as well as online BZ Lists meetings with a psychologist. The action initiated by our Foundation together with T-Mobile showed that seniors are interested in the digital world, want to learn about new media and function confidently in them.


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