The Full Moon September 2023 comes at the end of the month for the first time this year, if we subtract two moons in the previous month. The moon is one of the most recognizable and at the same time the most noticeable celestial bodies. We always see the same part of the Moon from Earth. It moves in an elliptical orbit, so the distance between the Moon and the Earth can be different in different phases of the Moon’s cycle. Full Moon or a pinch occurs when the illuminated part of the Moon is fully visible during observation from Earth. In addition to the full moon, we know other moons of me. These are: young or empty moon, the first place and the last place.
What exactly is a full moon?
After the Sun, the Moon is the second brightest body in the sky and is Earth’s only natural satellite. The Moon takes 29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes to orbit the Earth. The full moon therefore recurs approximately once a 2024 fresh whatsapp number list month. A full moon is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. When the Earth, Sun and Moon are in this position, the Sun’s light reflecting off the Earth illuminates the Moon and makes it visible from the Earth’s surface as a perfectly illuminated circle.
One at the beginning and one at the end
The moon, and consequently the full moon, can have an impact on the environment. Thus, it can cause high tides in oceans and ບົດແນະນຳລາຄາໄຟ ແລະນ້ຳກ້ອນ seas. As a result, coastal flooding may occur. Also, the full moon has an effect on certain types of animals and plants. It is interesting that some plants bloom only during the full moon, which bank email list is mainly related to the increased amount of light they receive. Another, perhaps lesser-known interesting fact is that we always see the same side of the Moon from Earth. Among other things, the moon also plays an important role in astrological predictions and horoscopes.