New features from Google: January

The first month of 2020 is over. A new year also means new features in Google. In this blog, Stefan and Marthe tell you what you can do with the new features and how you can use these features.

Google is the largest search engine with 100 billion searches per month. To serve these searches, there are approximately 30 trillion index documents on Google. This amounts to 30,000 billion! To manage all these searches and to always serve the user as well as possible with a relevant search result, Google is constantly optimizing. In this blog you can read about the new mobile-first indexing update, the new messaging system in Google Search Console, the new focus on, the new secure cookie settings and the new Google Search Console training videos.

Mobile-first indexing update

Mobile-first indexing means that Google primarily uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. Previously, the index primarily us the desktop version of the page’s content when evaluating the relevance of a page. Since the majority of Google users have access to a mobile device, Googlebot primarily crawls and indexes pages using the smartphone agent.

What nes to happen to ensure Search accurate mobile phone number list Console has the best experience on a mobile device? Make sure that Googlebot can access and render mobile page content and resources. This includes using the same meta robots tags, avoiding user interaction, and making sure all resources are crawl.

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First we will discuss the meta robots tags: use the same meta robots

tag on both the mobile and desktop site. If a different meta robots tag is us on the mobile site, Google will not be able to crawl and index the page. Second, the user interaction. Make sure that there is not too much user interaction requir. The Boutique Leipomo Tunani Googlebot will not load content if a user has to take an action, for example swiping or clicking on an element. Make sure that Google can also see the content with lazy-load. Finally, agb directory we will discuss the sources, because let Google crawl all sources. Some sources have different URLs on the mobile website than on the desktop version. If you want Google to crawl these URLs, these URLs should not be block. In addition to these points, there are other points that ne to be optimiz in the area of ​​structur data, visual content, videos and URLs. Do you want to know more about this optimization? Then you can always contact us.


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