WordCamp Orlando 2019

Be a part of the 10th annual WordCamp Orlando 2019 held at the University of Central Florida from August 23rd through the 25th. Unfortunately, we won’t be at this one…though, I wish I could visit

This year, it’s estimated that over 400 people will be in attendance. Whether it’s for KidsCamp, the workshops or sessions, the weekend is sure to bring a great deal of fun and engagement for the WordPress community.

What to Expect at WordCamp Orlando

This camp has an exceptionally long list of incredible information. From basic theme development to cybersecurity, it’ll be hard to cram all the great sessions into one single weekend.

Some of the things you’ll come across include:

  • Gutenberg: How I stopped worrying and learned to love the block
    Not everyone has transitioned well from the classic editor to Gutenberg. Laura Byrne-Cristiano will show a few tricks she learned after spending time learning to love the editing system.
  • Creating a 5-Star Customer Experience
    The customer experience can make or brake an online brand. Michele Butcher-Jones will provide tips to help create the best experience possible for future success.
  • Google Analytics
    Knowing your target audience is the cornerstone of being a success on the Internet. Chris Edwards will dive deep into Google Analytics to show you how to get the most out of the tool.
  • How to easily audit your WP site for Accessibility
    In this session, Steve Curtis breaks down how you can audit your website for accessibility and how it can make a difference.
  • How to Make Your Website Stand Out in Search Results
    This talk is near and dear to my heart. Irina Blumenfeld goes into using and understanding how Google works to drive traffic. This includes knowing how structured data can make a difference.

And this list doesn’t even scratch the accurate mobile phone number list surface of what you’ll find at WordCamp Orlando 2019. I only wish I lived closer so I could attend this one myself.

Fun Facts About Orlando, Florida

accurate mobile phone number list


Most people associate Orlando with comment une retraite anticipée est-elle possible ? sunshine and Disney World. However, this incredible location has a lot more than just tanning and princesses.

For example, did you know:

  1. At Lake Eola, there are usually over 50 swans at any given time spanning across several different breeds. Talk about a beautiful depiction of nature.
  2. Home to more than 30 species of wildlife, the  Orlando Wetlands has many residents who are on the endangered list.
  3. The oldest tree in Orlando stands at Big Tree Park and is estimated to be 350 to 400 years old!

This is just some of the fun cz leads things regarding Orlando. But if you feel inclined, the Atlantic isn’t very far away for an incredible ocean view.

Enjoy the Camp in Sunny Orlando, Florida!

There’s no doubt that WordCamp Orlando has an incredible amount of stuff going on. Just make sure you grab some sunscreen and protect yourself from the rays.

I’d like to thank everyone who makes these camps possible: sponsors, organizers, volunteers and of course the attendees. Everyone working together is what the WordPress community is all about.

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