Email Marketing & Halloween: 8 Tips to

Ennio Castillo
Ennio Castillo
Partner Managepler. He likes to travel and learn languages. In his free time he enjoys swimming, listening to rock and reading about Marketing.

Wrote 39 posts



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Have you not yet prepared your Halloween Campaigns ? We analyze the main horror films in history to extract the best Email Marketing tips from them.

The calendar is drawing to a close and horror fans are starting to prepare for their favorite time of year. Pumpkins are starting to smile, costume shops are hiring helpers and the TV is turning black.

Halloween is just around the corner and that’s why the Doppler team  Wie bewerbe ich mich bei Google My Business? thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of the horror movie classics that are on the screen throughout October by investigating what they can teach us about Email Marketing.

We invite you to pack your stakes

silver bullets and holy water to join us on a journey of terror where you will discover that yeezys shoes   Digital Marketing and terror are more closely linked than we think.

1 – Go straight to the bone
If we learned anything from the “Nightmare” series and its scorched protagonist Freddy Krueger, it is that to be a prolific villain you must speak little. Beyond his funny punchlines and controversial complexion, the beloved Alfred fails in terms of effectiveness and this is due to his long monologues before each new victim.

Just like on Elm Street, this concept applies in the world of Email Marketing. Taking advantage of the fickle attention of the Contact with a short and effective message is one of the golden rules. Competition in the Inbox is increasingly fierce and you must be concise to achieve a good opening and conversion rate.

You should also remember that to have a positive impact in the mobile world, the Subjects of your Email Marketing Campaigns should not exceed 30 characters. Never forget, short and sweet is twice as good.


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