Free and quality backlink building training

It is possible to learn how to make free backlinks in a quality way, and you don’t always need to pay heavy costs for ad reporting campaigns, and you can create backlinks for your website for free. In the rest of this article, you will learn how to backlink. make it

Before continuing to read this article, if you are not familiar with the basic topics of backlinks, it is better to read the article on what is a backlink on our site to get familiar with the term backlink and its types, after that you can return to this article and learn how to create. Read free and quality backlinks .

Of course, if you are familiar with the basic principles and concepts of SEO such as backlinks, you don’t need to read our other articles and continue reading this article now. If you are ready, let’s go to external link building training.

Important point: Why should we make backlinks?

As you probably know, in order to rank in the Google search engine results, many factors must be observed and the so-called SEO of the site to be able to reach the top of the results (SERP), but it is not that simple and ranking in the money-making keywords It requires enough effort and time.

To grow in SEO and different keywords, for example, to buy a Tesco gaming headset or a Tesco model 5127 headset, we must be better than our competitors in 3 internal, technical and external sectors.

Now you can do this yourself or leave it to another person or company to do the SEO work for you.

One of the most important factors to reach the first page of Google and the first rank of Google is finding the opportunity and creating strong backlinks for the site. These backlinks have existed since the development of the SEO work of the site and since then they have played a colorful role in changing the ranks of different sites.

Backlinks lead to a drop in the site’s ranking

Sometimes, these  which I will explain further, that the main reason for the importance of having enough experience and knowledge to build strong and healthy backlinks is the dangerous nature of external link building.

Building external links for the site is time-consuming, just like creating content , and don’t expect results in a few days. There is almost no way in SEO to get a ranking (important rankings on important keywords) in a few days.

Even if you publish a report on all Persian sites, it will take at least 5-6 days for your report to be recognized and have an impact on the rankings.

But you should know that building external links for the site alone will not be useful for ranking in hard keywords, but you should also look for other important factors.

Technical SEO and internal SEO before starting backlink building

SEO and site optimization for the search database shop engine is divided into several parts, which are explained in the article What is SEO and SEO training in full, and in the article Types of SEO about different SEO hats, including black hat SEO and gray hat SEO So that you, dear ones, can get the basic knowledge in the field of SEO for free.

If a page does not deserve to be on the first page, it may be ranked with 1000 reports, but it will lose its ranking after a while.

Building backlinks in external SEO : Building external links is categorized in external SEO , and usually in SEO training and consulting sessions , when we talk about external SEO, we mostly talk about building quality backlinks; But you should keep in mind that external SEO is not only backlinks, but there are other things like social signals and branding.

So, in addition to doing external SEO, two other parts of site optimization, i.e. technical SEO and internal SEO, should be done well in order to reach the final goal, which is to increase site traffic with the SEO method.

But the better way is to start content production and technical optimization of the site before starting link building. Especially if you have a newly establish site, you should be much more careful. But don’t worry at all because Google is not that strict and your site will not be penalize by Google became.

Of course, you must be careful!

Before starting the training on how to make backlinks, your content must be ready to receive backlinks, that is, you have produced user-friendly content in compliance with the principles and rules of Google’s algorithms, and you are sure that your content is completely suitable and useful for the user who searches for that target keyword. be

Otherwise, building backlinks in any number and quality will not be fruitful for you in the end, and today content is the first word in SEO, of course, content like backlinks alone will not bring significant results (meaning alone without strategy and other activities).

So, if you have produced valuable content and have good internal SEO , you have identified your target keyword well, we will go to external link building. We did the linking in the right way on words like clay pot .

Is black hat SEO dangerous?

database shop

Maybe this question has occurred to you that building backlinks and black hat SEO is dangerous, so why should we take risks? The answer to the question is that if you want to sit and just produce content so that others will link to you without doing anything special, it may take years.

Known and gradually increase the number of backlinks. Do you have enough time to use this method? Do you have the money to invest in this method?

If your answer is negative, then it is necessary to use the method of building backlinks for free and reporting. Of course, there are ways to reduce the possibility of the site being penalize. So it is enough to be well train and start your work with trust in God.

The difference between black hat SEO and gray hat SEO is that we do methods prohibited by Google’s algorithms in such a way that Google cannot identify our site as a violator and penalize it.

7 ways to make free backlinks

In the rest of this article, you will get chinese thailand phone number data to know 7 methods of building external links for free, methods that have different characteristics, and to get better results, it is better to use these backlinks in combination.

3. Making a comment backlink

Another way to make free backlinks is to create links in the comment section of various website. This comment section is call a comment, but naturally, the strength. Of this type of backlink is usually lower than the backlink in the content.

Usually, this method is not use correctly and on the page of website. That publish comments freely, that is, it does not the approval of the manager or support. And as soon as the comment is post on the site, they register a backlink.

Because a very high number of backlinks are usually record on these page. It will not be of high value and credibility, but it can be use to increase the strength of other backlinks. That is, building multi-level backlinks, which is one of the advance methods of external SEO.

1. Profile linking

Most of the active sites on the Internet b2c fax have the possibility of registration, that is, you can create a user account through a mobile number or email along with registering a password. This user account allows us to register backlinks on some sites, usually this is possible on foreign websites. .

Of course, there are also Persian sites that give us such a possibility that this method is completely related to method 7. These Persian forums usually provide the possibility of registering a link for their users.

So, in order to register a good backlink, it is better to come to Persian sites and add a text related to your site to that page to increase the quality of your backlink. This increase in backlink will ultimately increase the power of your website.

Profile link building has disadvantages

Compared to other methods. One of these disadvantage is the late indexing of profile backlinks. And sometime it may take several months to be index. And it may not even leave an impact on the site for a year.

One of the reasons for my proposal to use a combination of link-building. Methods is that the of indexing is different in different site, for example, when you publish a report on reputable. News site, your publish article is usually index.

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