Social Media Trends – Where Should You Focus Your Energy

In our last episode I covered seven trends in social media and blogging. In today’s episode I want to discuss where you should focus your aol email list energy as a blogger.


There’s so much we could do.but what should we do?

Don’t become overwhelmed and perplexed. Instead, be inspired about where to put your effort.

Should you focus on:

  • live video?
  • bots and messenger marketing?
  • Facebook advertising?
  • long-form video?
  • Instagram stories?
  • blog?
  • all of the above?

And how do you decide?

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) there’s no right answer. The ‘best spot’ will be different for everyone. Just don’t be pressured into doing what everyone else is doing.

Consider your style, topic, audience, and objectives and goals. Get in touch with who you are and what makes you shine.

Focus on conversions.

Don’t give up something that’s already working just to start something new. Nine times out of ten it won’y be any better. Instead, focus on good SEO practices.

Stay in control, and focus on building your own platform and assets rather than building on other people’s.
Use your own to host a podcast or blog.

Save some time and effort for new ways to  build your audience, brand, and engagement. Be cautious, but also be willing to pivot and diversify.

And don’t feel as if  you have to do it all. Focus on being great at just one or two trends.

What are you going to try?

Links and Resources for Trends in Social Media – Where Should You Focus Your Energy?:

  • Periscope
  • Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Darren Rowse on Twitter
  • Darren Rowse in Instagram

Further Listening


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  • Starting a Blog
  • ProBlogger Pro – 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

Join our Facebook group

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Hi there and welcome to Episode 241 of the ProBlogger podcast. My name is Darren Rowse and I’m the blogger behind, a blog, podcast, event, job board, series of ebooks, and the courses all designed to help you as a blogger to grow your audience, to create great content, to build engagement around your blog, and ultimately to build profit around your blog. I should say profit can be money but it can be other outcomes as well. However you define it, we hope to help you along that journey. You can learn more about ProBlogger at

Today’s podcast is brought to you by our brand new course, 31 Days to Build a Better Blog which is launching around now. We’ve already opened it up to a small group of beta testers. I think there’s actually about a hundred bloggers so far who have signed up and are working through that course. It’s closed off at the moment but if you are interested in joining that beta testing group, please go to

It’s a course designed to help you over a sıfırdan xüsusi veb saytlar yaratmağa həsr olunmuş peşəkarlar month to give you a burst of love, bring a burst of love to your blog, to give some really intentional love and care to your blog to write some new content, to think about your editorial strategy, to think about how you can build engagement with your blog, to do some things to help you to get some new readers, and to begin to think about monetization. We don’t focus a lot on monetization in this course, it’s more about getting the foundations right that will help you to monetize but we touch on it towards the end.

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