Report from the 11th Affiliate Conference

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Report from the 11th Affiliate Conference
David Janik
David Janik
Updated 9/2/2024 – 8 min. reading
Report from the 11th Affiliate Conference
The 11th Affiliate Conference was held on the first day specific database by industry of November. This time, affiliates from all over the country gathered in the newly renovated premises of the historic café and restaurant Café Louvre on Národní třída in Prague.


The program was full of interesting topics from the beginning to the end of the conference . We had to go through almost the entire segment of online marketing. From Facebook, copywriting and UX to analytics, brand building, GDPR and we even managed to explain how Instagram should be done correctly.

The premises were beautiful, the only thing that was a little annoying was the incredibly long interval of the hand dryer from the toilet, which blew even a minute after you left. This wouldn’t normally be a problem if the toilets weren’t right next to the “conference room” with no obstruction to deflect the annoying sound.

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source: FB
I will try to quickly summarize the lectures that most interested me and forced me to think about things a little differently.

Jakub Křenek – Copywriting and creativity on the web

Because the lecture was only 30 minutes long, you were able to absorb a lot of information and inspiration for your project. Jakub tried to explain to us that it is important to know who your visitor is and what they need, and your job is to give them tailor-made content.

It is not about knowing your visitor, that he is a man who is between 20 and 35 years old, lives in Prague and works at a self-employed person. It is important to know what he is looking for , what problem he is solving and what knowledge he has about the issue, if he is just looking around or if he knows that you will already place the order and is deciding between you or competitors.

Also, a different type of measurement is applied for each phase . When, for example, you are trying to increase awareness of your brand using display advertising, you will look at metrics such as direct traffic and how many visits from Google to your brand name have increased.

Important questions to ask when creating content or revising existing content.

For which stage is the content intended?
Am I throwing too many people into one pile?
Am I forgetting someone?
What about photos, videos? Content is not just text.
Am I choosing the right channel and measurement method?
Be sure to take a look around your site and ask yourself these questions and see what you come up with.

Jiří Pokorný – Performance campaigns on Facebook

Almost everyone is on Facebook today, including companies and everyone has tried paid advertising at least once, which offers a lot of options, and if you didn’t stick with it for a while, you definitely didn’t manage to get the most out of Facebook.

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Why You Should Think About FB Advertising…

It targets real users, not cookies
The widest targeting option – users voluntarily provide a lot of information about themselves
At first glance, the ad doesn’t look like an ad
Offers a more advanced targeting option (own database, look-a-like audience, remarketing)
Thanks to Facebook, you have many options to reach new potential customers, and Facebook tries to expand this offer as much as possible, but mainly tries to optimize campaigns for “you” . At the lecture, it was often said that Facebook’s algorithm is much smarter than it might seem at first glance.

Of course, it is also in the interest of Facebook that our advertising is effective. Otherwise we would stop spending money on FB, and of course they don’t want that. So they try to constantly improve their algorithm, which learns with each click who is interested in your content and who completes orders with you.

It is important to always clarify the

specific database by industry

Goal of campaigns. What are you trying to achieve and how will you measure that success?

If you really want to get the most out of FB ads, you need to install the FB pixel on your website .

Thanks to it, Facebook better understands the users who come to your website, how they behave on it, and tries to show ads to those people who are likely to take the action you want. You also have the option to target users who have visited your website and you can encourage them to buy with, for example, a discount coupon or a limited offer.

Once you’ve answered these questions and deployed the pixel, it’s only now that you can move on to FB ads and choose the type of campaign that will best achieve your goal.

Another uniqueness on Facebook is a sophisticate usa cfo d system for creating your own audiences . You can, for example, import your email database and create your audience from it.

You can then use this audience to create a so-called Look-a-like audience. Facebook will find out all the information about your customers from the email database that you import into it, and then you tell it from 1% to 10% how much Facebook should have distraction from “current customers”. At Sun Marketing, they most often use distraction from 1-3%.

And of course, the final lesson was that you have to constantly try and test new things so that we don’t rest on our laurels. Marketing is all about data after all.

Martin Paur – Brandbuilding and how not to get lost in it

You carry your brand with you throughout your “corporate life” and you should take care of it as best you can, because it is a strong brand that can pull you out of trouble if something goes wrong. The main thing is to always provide the customer with something so erstellen Sie datenmodelle: best Practices extra, and preferably something that he can’t get anywhere else.

Martin explained to us the importance of Brand using the  example of car brands, where it plays the biggest role when choosing a car. So every car manufacturer tries to come up with something unique that differentiates their brand from others.

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